Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Price is Right - Tweets of the Day (4/4/12)

The following are all real tweets from real people during today's episode, starting with our No. 1 Tweet of the Day. Enjoy.

@CommodoreSweets The crowd at price is right is more fickle than that of the ancient Colosseum 

@Pad_is_Rad Wtf has price is right come too, everyone betting 1 dollar above the previous person, honestly get a life. #priceiswrongbitch #getsomeskill  (someone doesn't get it - Ed.) 

@bond2tj The best part of going to the gym at this time is that price is right is on all the tvs and everyone is yelling out numbers.
@RyanRussell1982 @lpackweb don't you dare speak ill of The Price Is Right. A pet just missed getting spayed or neutered because of you!

@TJ_Swag412 I get that I'm not exactly the target demographic of advertisers on #TPIR.. But that commercial for a home usable male catheter. #disturbing 

@DylanOrwig I would hate to be the first person called on the price is right and are there the entire game and don't get on stage

@KolichAaron God help the one person every morning on the Price is Right who cannot get on stage because they don't know how to bid.. #playdirty

@absolutrobert Nothing in the world pisses me off more than people who don't know how to play a pricing game on The Price Is Right.

@DanielKaproth If there's 20 minutes of The Price Is Right left, you know you're going to see the Hoveround commercial with the singing black guy. (Regular viewers know all about this - Ed.)

@jordan_nokes I have no motivation to go to class when i see my grandma watching the price is right and smelling perfume samples from her magazine. #lucky ‏

@BryanCharles82 Wanna see completely normal people act like a bunch of stupid jackasses? No need to get them drunk. Just put them on The Price Is Right

Follow The Price is Right Files on Twitter at @TPiR_Files.

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